
www.zige365.com 2012-8-20 10:37:23 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  What kinds of problems could staff encounter while working abroad?

  How can people get the kinds of information they need while they are working abroad?

  What effect does the increase in internationacontacts have on the way companies operate? (Why?)

  How important is it for business to have their own offices abroad?

  Customer Base

  The Finance Director of your company is concerned that the majority of its income comes from one main client. You have been asked to make recommendations on ways to expand your company's customer base.

  Discuss, and decide together:

  What the potentiadangers are of having only one main client

  How the company could try to gain additionaclients

Follow-up questions:

  What advantages could there be for companies in having a relatively smalcustomer base? (Why?)

  When attracting new customers, how important is it for companies to give information about their existing clients? (Why/Why not?)

  What can companies do to strengthen customer loyalty, apart from offering good customer service?

  How can companies which operate globally ensure consistently high levels of customer satisfaction?

  In what ways can companies respond to increased competition from other companies?

  Staff Suggestion Scheme

  Your company is planning to introducing a suggestion scheme and to encourage members of staff at allevels to contribute ideas. You have been asked to consider ways of setting up the scheme.

  Discuss, and decide together:

  How to set up the scheme so that alstaff feethey can contribute

  How suggestions from members of staff could be evaluated

  Follow-up questions:

  Which kinds of companies can benefit most from suggestion schemes? (Why?)

  What other methods can companies use to generate ideas for improvements?

  What are other ways of increasing staff involvement in a company?

  In what ways can companies obtain suggestions or comments from customers?

  How important are new ideas for companies in maintaining competitiveness? (Why?)

  Health and Fitness Facilities

  Your company is considering providing a fitness center on the premises to help employees improve their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for this scheme.

  Discuss, and decide together:

  What benefits the center would bring for the company

  How to promote the need for health and fitness to alstaff

  Follow-up questions:

  Would company fitness facilities be equally popular among alstaff? (Why/Why not?)

  Should employees have to pay to use health and fitness facilities? (Why/Why not?)

  What other ways are there for companies to encourage their employees to remain fit and healthy?

  Should companies include employees' families in their health and fitness provision? (Why/Why not?)

  Is the welfare of employees an appropriate concern for companies? (Why/Why not?)

  Staff Relocation

  Your company needs to relocate severamembers of staff to a new branch opening in another part of the country. You have been asked to submit ideas on how to make relocation attractive for staff.

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