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全国2003年4月自学考试综合英语(一)试题 2007-10-22 11:13:44 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Americans may invite you to their homes 68 they really get to know you. Sometimes they are said to be superficially(表面的)friendly. Perhaps 69 seems so, but they are probably just 70 a good time. As elsewhere, it takes time to become good friends with people in the U.S.
I had planned to stay at this job for only two days. But now I'm going to stay. The exercise is great. The lifting 71 easier with every load, even if my left shoulder stays sore. I become faster and neater 72 time goes by. I'm outdoors in clean air. And, contrary 73 what people think, I don't get dirty on the job.
I have made 74 my mind, too, to go on saying hello in the back yards. It doesn't do any harm, and it still feels right. Frankly, I'm proud. I'm doing 75 essential task,“like a police officer or a fir fighter.”I left this country a little cleaner 76 I found it this morning. Not many people can say that tonight.
John Gardener has said that a society 77 praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is 78 for trouble.“Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold 79.” he warns. He might have gone a step further and called 80 respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise they'll both leave trash behind.
81.What the Marine did for the dying old man shows that ______.
82.In “Love of Life”,Bill didn't stop when the other man called him because _____.
83.By playing a practical joke on his twelve best friends, Henry Ground wanted them to find that ________.
84.The Thinking Machine suspected Mr. Grayson's personal secretary because ____.
85.The Organ Bank arranged a meeting between Tracy's parents and David and his wife because the donor's parents _______.
86.One of the most visible features of the fish that Professor Agassiz expected Scudder to see was ______.
87.Bob Sugg thought the man in police uniform was the criminal because _____.
88.Mr.Budd wasn't pleased when the newspaper printed the story of his “great idea”. He was afraid that ______.
89.When the writer of “Emotional Bank Account”says that a family should be loyal to those members who are not present, he means that ____.
90.Although almost every doctor who saw and examined Christy Brown said that he was a hopeless case, his mother firmly believed that _____.

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