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全国2003年4月自学考试综合英语(一)试题 2007-10-22 11:13:44 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

[A]developed  [B]to develop
[C]develop    [D]to be developed
16.It is sometimes difficult to strike a ____ between one's career and family.
[A]connection   [B]balance   [C]link    [D]line
17.The Browns felt ____ about leaving their son alone at home without being attended to.
[A]keen     [B]uneasy   [C]dazed    [D]miserable
18.____the freedom that young people have, dating has changed greatly in recent years.
[A]In case of    [B]In spite of
[C]In addition to [D]As a result of
19.Much ____ the doctor's amazement, the patient survived.
[A]to     [B]in     [C]for     [D]with
20.There were already four people sitting in the car, but we tried to ___ for her.
[A]make room      [B]make a room
[C]find rooms     [D]find a room
21.His father decided to ___ his son's allowance when he discovered that he was neglecting his studies in Paris.
[A]cut away    [B]cut in    [C]cut out     [D]cut off
22.Her short stories are enjoyed by adults and children ____.
[A]like    [B]together     [C]alike    [D]all
23.There are days when he doesn’t want to pose for a picture with every fan he __.
[A]runs over   [B]comes along
[C]runs into   [D]comes up
24.John realized fully what he had dreamed about could not ____ have happened in real life.
[A]likely   [B]certainly    [C]probably   [D]possibly
25.Now that I'm only working part time, I have a hard time making ___ meet.
[A]hands   [B]arms    [C]days    [D]ends
26.His conservative ideas may ___ him in the election campaign.
[A]fight against      [B]object to
[C]set against        [D]work against
27.In my country people never leave tips. So when I first went abroad, I kept forgetting to tip waiters. I felt really ____.
[A]depressed   [B]embarrassed
[C]upset       [D]helpless
28.Do you know the guys who moved in next door? they had another party and the noise kept me ___ all night.
[A]woke   [B]awake     [C]awaken     [D]awaked
29.Having good ideas isn't enough. You need to be able to ___ your ideas.
[A]communicate      [B]discuss
[C]show           [D]expose
30.Which department is supposed to ____ rules about retirement.
[A]lie down     [B]lay down    [C]lay on     [D]lie on
Passage 1
Bill Trew worked on the night shift(夜班) in an old coal mine called Park Deep. Day and night 180 miners worked underground there, more than 6,00 feet down. They all took their share of night work, but Bill always worked at night. he said he preferred it.

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