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全国2003年4月自学考试综合英语(一)试题 2007-10-22 11:13:44 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

There is always plenty of rain in Britain the whole year round. As a rule, the month with the least rainfall is July. At best, out of the 31 days of July, you might get 21 days of dry weather and sunshine. In July of 1973, London did not se a single drop of rain, but that was a rare exception. At that time, foreign tourists kept on asking the British where they had “imported” their sunshine form. Throughout the British Isles there is an annual rainfall of about 110 centimeters. England alone gets 89 centimeters  annually of that British total. One an average, May to July are the driest months in England, and November to early March the wettest .A period of as long as 3 weeks without rain is exceptional and normally confined to limited areas like the coasts of southwest England,  Wales and the west coast of Scotland. June and July are the months of longest sunlight: from about 4:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
36.Which of the following is Not REUE of the climate in Britain?
[A]Prevailing southwesterly winds.
[B]Variable weather from day to day.
[C]Snowfalls lasting for 2-3 weeks very winter.
[D]Warm and cold days in between in spring.
37.The depressions from the Atlantic Ocean moved ___.
[A]from the northeast to the west
[B]from the southwest to the east
[C]from the northwest to the southeast
[D]from the east to the southwest
38.The period that is both coldest and wettest in Britain is ____.
[A]between December and the middle of March
[B]between early November and April
[C]between November and early March
[D]between early December and early March
39.A person who hates both rain and hot weather should choose to visit Britain in ____.
[A]May    [B]June     [C]July     [D]August
40.This passage is mainly about ____ in Britain.
[A]winds  [B]climate  [C]sunshine    [D]rainfall
41.argument     42.gangster     43.collapse   44.major
45.fairly       46.feature      47.relieve    48.explosion
49.available    50.impressin    51.courteous  52.essential
53.heavy        54.enthusiasm   55.annoy      56.mechanic
57.awkward      58.contribute   59.thorough   60.bequeath

taking  speak   that         before
enjoy   out     experience   having
study   first   learn        it
People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable without realizing it. Americans who have never been 61 of their country have very little 62 with people of other cultures. But they are usually  open and friendly. They 63 meeting new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. They use 64 names in most situations and 65 casually about themselves. So if your American host does something 66 makes you uncomfortable, let him know how you feel. Most people will appreciate your honest. And you'll 67 something about a new culture!

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