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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案4 2007-11-12 14:37:17 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

C) Children are moved back and forth between parents and the single parent is busy working to make money to support himself/herself.
D) Children grow up feeling unsettled, and the parents have little
time for his/her own interests because one parent is too busy taking care
of children.

29.According to the author, the situations of American families
in the future may ____.
A) become worse C) get better
B) remain the same D) keep unchanged
30.The title of the article might be ____.
A) American Children C) American Mother
B) American Families D) American Parents

Questions 31 to 35 are
based on the following passage:
Albert Schweitzer was born in 1875 in Alsace. At that time, it was a part of
Germany. His generous spirit was first awakened through his training as a Lutheran minister. Besides gaining a reputation as a preacher, he also became respected for his ability to play the organ. He was a man of many talents. His concern for other people turned his attention to medicine. He had also acquired doctoral degrees in philosophy and music. His wife took an interest in medicine too and became a nurse. Many people thought that he should remain and lecture
in Europe to have a strong impact on Western civilization. Though he listened to their suggestions, he ultimately decided to follow his own conscience. This led him to Africa. Albert had felt that all men should accept the responsibility of helping others. He felt particularly concerned for black Africans who had been exploited by white men. He earned the money he needed by performing on the organ and by lecturing. With this money he bought equipment and opened a hospital in Africa. He was a man of great strength who faced great problems with courage. The threat of war, the reality of imprisonment during World War, one as a German citizen, and the unbearable heat in Africa did not deter him at all. He believed that man could overcome these obstacles if he had a sense of idealism. He died in 1965.

31.Albert Schweitzer was ____.
A) a pianist C) a humanitarian
B) an African D) a nurse
32.He had talents for ____.
A) training his wife to be a nurse, giving concert and lecturing
B) giving medical care, lecturing, playing the organ
C) taking care of sick people, fighting as a soldier, lecturing
D) giving concert, making equipment, helping others
33.In spite of people’s suggestions, Albert decided to go to
Africa ____.
A) because he was born there
B) because he wanted to help others particularly black Africans who had
been exploited by white men
C) because he wanted to give a concert to African people
D) because he wanted to make money there
34.Why did the author think he was a man of great strength?
A) He always faced great problems with courage.
B) The threat of war and the reality of imprisonment during World War
didn’t discourage him.
C) The unbearable heat in Africa did not deter him at all.
D) All of the above.
35.Albert Schweitzer lived to be ____.
A) 70 years old C) 90 years oldB) 80 years old

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