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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案4 2007-11-12 14:37:17 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
 Ascientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.

If an economist as asked which of three groups borrow most—people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or declining incomes—he would probably answer:those with declining incomes. Actually, in the years 1947—1950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with declining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will hasten to buy. If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying. But research surveys have shown that this is not always true. The expectations of price increase may not stimulate buying. One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices. “In a few months,” she said, “we’ll have to pay more for meat and milk; we’ll have less to spend on other things.” Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be resented and buyer’s resistance may be evoked.

The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America. Investigations conducted at the same time in Great Britain, however, yielded results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns. The condition most conductive to spending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people consider that they are reasonable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.

21.If a scientist wants to study consumer behavior, what must he do?
A) He must predict the way in which consumers will spend their money.

B) He must do scientific research.
C) He must know background of customers.
D) He must do research and learn the resources and motives of customers.

22.Which of the following groups borrow money most according to
traditional assumption?
A) People with rising incomes.
B) People with stable incomes.
C) People with declining incomes.
D) None of the above.

23.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to
the passage?

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