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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案8 2007-11-12 14:33:03 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

and quiet, they are ignored.

 26. If boys are better treated in class, ____ would be better.

A) singlesex classes and coeducational classes

B) coeducational classes

C) singlesex classes

D) None of the above

27. Dale Spender obtained the evidence for her claims by ____


A) her own lessons in secondary school and college

B) the other teachers' taperecordings

C) both male and female teachers

D) taperecordings of her own and other teachers' lessons

28. What are the boy's reactions when girls are given more


A) They will keep the teachers' attention again.

B) They will make some trouble and complain to the headmaster.

C) They will play up the teacher something awful.

D) They will feel they are cheated by teachers.

29. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph probably means ____.

A) rough B) brave 

C)troublesome D) emotional

30. The best title for this passage would be ____.

A) boys are teachers' pets

B) boys do better in coeducational classes

C) singlesex classes are better than coeduationed classes

D) girls do better than boys

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

 Gestures aren't the only area in which the unwary traveler can get tripped

up. Foreign cultures adhere to different business customs and behavior.

For example:

Caffeine junkies should restrain themselves in the Middle East.“Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the polite limit in offices and during social

calls,” counsels “Travel Pak, ” a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. “But if your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you've had your fill, give your empty cup a quick twist  a sort of wiggle—as you hand it back. That means “No more, thank you.”

Middle East visitors also should not be surprised “if others barge right into the office in the middle of your conversation with the person you are seeing,” notes “Travel Pak.” An old Arab custom calls for keeping an “open


The British, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after all business has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitive to this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure.

In Japan certain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early. They should be allowed to leave without effusive goodbyes. The Japanese consider formal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remaining guests.

In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed their clothes and join their hosts in a sauna. The invitation is a sign that a good

working relationship has been established.

In the Arab world, the word “no” must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. In contrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long efforts to pick up the check.

In the People's Republic of China, gift giving is considered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a Los Angeles tour operator. “If you want to give someone a gift, make sure it's modest in value.

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