
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 9:25:58 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

means of protection;73      , what he needs is to be fitted

74      a highly organized university system quite different

from75     at home. He is faced in his daily work

76     differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students77    a common ground in each other’s

cultures, some78     of what is already in the minds of

American students is79     for the foreign professor.

While helping him to80     himself to his new

environment, the university must also81      certain

67. A)  with    B)  for

C)  of         D)  at

68. A)  in      B)  on

C)  for        D)  within

69. A)  thought B)  measured

C)  balanced   D)  considered

70. A)  situation  B)  circumstances

C)  background   D)  condition

71. A)  carries    B)  create

C)  emerges     D)  solves

72. A)  himself    B)  oneself

C)  him          D)  one

73. A)  otherwise    B)  moreover

C)  however        D)  whatever

74. A)  into        B)  by

C)  to             D)  with

75. A)  those         B)  which

C)  what            D)  that

76. A)  toward         B)  with

C)  toD)  at

77. A)  have           B)  possess

C)  need              D)  lack

78. A)  concept         B)  feeling

C)  plan              D)  intelligence

79. A)  ordered         B)  asked

C)  put                D)  required

80. A)  place            B)  adapt

C)  put                D)  direct

81. A)  remain          B)  keep

C)  make               D)  cause

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