
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 9:18:20 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

B) Insured  D) Inspired

54. The physical differences between men and women can be_____ directly to our basic n as hunters and child-bearers.

A) switched   C) pursued

B) traced D) followed

55. Many women still feel that they are being_____ by a male culture, particularly in the professional services sector.

  A) held out  C) held forth

B) held on D) held back

56. The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been_____ only to the very rich.

  A) manageable C) affordable

B) acceptable D) measurable

57. After working all day, he was so tired that he was in no___ to go to the party with us.

  A) mood  C) sense

B) emotion D) taste

58. It is clear that the dog has a much greater____ of its brain devoted to smell than is the case with humans.

  A) composition C) compound

  B) proportion D) percent

59. There is already clear_____ to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change.

  A) witness C) identity

B) evidence D) certification

60. Numerous studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom____.

  A) function  C) performance

B) behavior  D) display

61. In the US, 88 percent of smokers had started before they were 18, despite the fact that it is____ to sell cigarettes to anyone under that age.

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