
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 9:18:20 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 A) illegal C) liberal

B) irrational D) liable

62. Although many experts agree that more children are overweight, there is debate over the best ways to ____the problem.

  A) relate C) attach

B) file   D) tackle

63. Sadly, as spending on private gardens has____, spending on public parks has generally declined.

A) lifted C) heightened

  B) flown D) soared

64. It's good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually ______from the Bible.

  A) acquire C) result

B) derive D) obtain

65. According to the key witnesses, a peculiarly big nose is the criminal's most memorable facial_____.

  A) feature C) hint

B) signature D) spot

66. An important factor in determining how well you perform in an examination is the____ of your mind.

  A) case C) state

  B) circumstance D) situation

67. Brazil's constitution ____ the military use of nuclear energy.

  A) withdraws C) objects

  B) interrupts  D) forbids

68. Tom, did it ever_____ to you that you would be punished for cheating on exams?

A) strike C) occur

B) happen D) reflect

69. Lung cancer, like some other cancers, often doesn't produce____ until it is too late and has spread beyond the chest to the brain, liver or bones.

  A) symbols C) trails

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