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 B) A unique ID card. D) A coded ignition key.

39. Why does the tracking system set a 100-metre minimum before sending an alarm to the operations centre?

A) To give the driver time to contact the operations centre.

B) To allow for possible errors in the GPS system.

C) To keep police informed of the car's movements.

D) To leave time for the operations centre to give an alarm.

40. What will the operations centre do first after receiving an alarm?

  A) Start the tracking system. C) Contact the car owner.

  B) Locate the missing car.  D) Block the car engine.

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences it: this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose cite ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41. A special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and faculty to____ together in research activities.

  A) involve C) specialize

B) participate D) consist

42. American college students are increasingly_____ with credit card debt and the consequences can be rather serious.

  A) discharged C) boosted

B) dominated   D) burdened

43. Some people argue that the death_____ does not necessarily reduce the number of murders.

  A) penalty C) pattern

B) plot   D) practice

44. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dorms are less likely to_____ the habit of smoking.

  A) turn up C) make up

B) pick up D) draw up

45. The most successful post-career athletes are those who can take the identity and fife skills the learned in sports and_____ them to another area of life.

  A) apply C) employ

B) utilize  D) exert

46. Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to_____ honest applicants from the growing number of dishonest ones.

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