
www.zige365.com 2009-8-6 14:54:23 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
7. Most companies are recruiting new graduates now.
8. Since they are moving to America next week, the garment company have got their hands full now.
9. A series of seminars will be run next month by that new company.

Key to Exercises-D
1. are increasing
2. are recruiting
3. am just finishing
4. are starting
5. am checking
6. is not expecting

Key to Translation
After her father’s retirement, Miss Holmer succeeded as Managing Director of Holmer Software Co. Recently she held a department manager meeting to get some idea of their current projects.
She has learned that the Research and Development Department have their hands full in designing financial software ’98. The Marketing Department are preparing a great promotion campaign to push the products into the international market. The After-sales Services are running a series of user training seminars. The Finance Department are rationalizing the operation. A trial of the newly installed automated production line is being carried out by the Production Department, while the Personnel Department are busy with training newly recruited employees. The whole company runs well.

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