
www.zige365.com 2009-8-6 14:54:23 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
pick up, have, show, give, go, discuss, work
A:I’m afraid I can’t on Monday morning. I ________ Ms Patel around the plant. What about Monday afternoon?
B:No, that’s no good for me. I __ a demonstration of the new software to the Marketing Manager.
A:I ____ on the new promotion from about 10.00 on Tuesday morning. But what about early Tuesday morning?
B:No, that’s no possible, either. I _____ a breakfast meeting with Mr. Smith. I could make it in the afternoon.
A:I _____ the new prototype from two till four, and I don’t think there’s enough time after that. We __________ drinks with Jan at five, remember?
B:Yes, that’s right. I’m looking forward to it. What about Wednesday afternoon, then?
A:Sorry. I ________ Mr. Steiner at the airport at three.
B:___________ you ________ to the sales meeting on Wednesday morning?
A:Yes, I am.
B:Well, have you anything planned after that? What about meeting when it’s finished?

* current 现在的,当前的
eg. a current project 现行计划
current prices 市价[市场上的现行价格]
current news 时事
current expenses 日常费用
* project 规划,方案;工程,项目
eg. departmental projects 部门计划
We have to give up our project for shortage of funds.
draw up a project 制订计划
undertake a project 承担一个计划或项目
* Management Services 管理服务(部)[向管理部门和整个企业提供服务的一种职能(部门),调查整个企业有问题的地区并提出解决总是的办法]
* start with… 从……开始(讲座工作等等)
eg. Let’s start our discussion with EDP.
* EDP 电子数据处理[electronic data processing的缩写形式]
* work on… 忙于……,从事……
eg. end user 最终用户[指产品的真正使用者]
do user study 做用户调研
There are several intermediaries[中间商] between the producers and end users.
* install 安装
eg. install a computer system 安装计算机系统
installation 装置,设备
eg. a heating installation 暖气设备
* have problems with… ……方面有问题或有麻烦
eg. We have problems with the old accounting system.
* move on to…继续(讨论)……
eg. Let’s move on to marketing.
We’ll move on to the next item on the agenda.
* plan an advertising campaign 计划一次广告运动[即计划较大规模、较集中地做广告]
* automated assembly line 自动装配流水线
automated 自动的,自动化的
* recruit 招聘
eg. The young graduate was recruited into a major trading company.
* get one’s hands full 很忙,忙于……
eg. We cannot accept new orders since we have already got our hands full.
* prototype 样品,典型
eg. test the new prototype 试验新样品
improve the prototype 改进新样品
* rationalize 使合理化,改进
eg. rationalize the distribution network 改进分销网络
In order to obtain higher efficiency the operational mechanism has to be rationalized.
* cost cuts 成本的降低
eg. We hope for some cost cuts after the installation of the new automated assembly line.
* a series of 一系列
eg. a series of quality training seminars for managers 一系列经理素质培训研习班
* look into 调查,检查,研究
eg. They are looking into a new system because the old one has some prolems.
* capacity 生产能力
eg. This factory has a productive capacity of 20 cars a week.
Spare capacity 富余的生产能力
* chap [俗语]人, 小伙子,家伙
* cash flow 现金流动,现金流量[指企业在一窍不通时期内所产生的现金及其运用,代表企业内部扩大再生产、投资和用做流动酱的基金总额]
* upturn 上升,上升趋势
eg. There has been a marked upturn in sales.
* drain 耗费,(财富等的)外流;负担
eg. a drain on cash 现金的耗费
an enormous drain on the internal economy of the country 该国国内经济的巨大负担
* overdraft 透支[即从帐户里支出的数目大于帐户余额]

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