
www.zige365.com 2009-8-6 14:54:23 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Unit 10 

Current project
Present continuous
1. Listening
The Managing Director is getting up-to-date on the current projects of various departments. In some cases, they have no current projects, but have fixed plans for the future. As you listen, match the projects/plans with the departments. The first one has been done for you.

Listening Task
MD:OK, let’s have a look very briefly at the current departmental projects. Why don’t we start with EDP?
EDP:We’re doing a user study for the installation of the new micros. So we’re talking to all the new users at the moment.
MD:Right, what about Finance? I believe you are thinking of changing our accounting system.
FM:Yes, that’s right. We’re having problems with the old system so we’re looking into a new accounting system.
MD:Fine, let’s move on to Marketing. Are you working on any special projects?
MM:Not really; but we are planning an advertising campaign for our new product.
MD:Interesting. I look forward to seeing it. What about Production?
PM:Well, as you know, we are currently installing the new automated assembly line.
MD:Of course. You must be pretty busy. Personnel, what are you doing?
PeM:We’re trying to recruit new young graduates at the moment.
MD:How’s that going?
MD:Well, the Administration Department are not represented here today. They are moving to new offices next week, so they’ve got their hands full. Research and Development are also very busy-they’re testing the new prototype. That just leaves Transport and Management Services. John?
TM:The Transport Department is rationalizing the distribution network-so we’re hoping for some big cost cuts in the near future.
MD:Good. And Management Services?
MSM:Well, we haven’t got anything we’re working on just at the moment but we are running a series of quality training seminars next month.
MD:Right, that just about covers it.

2. Presentation
In this extract, you heard the present continuous tense used in two ways:
to indicate the present (and temporary) nature of the activity
to indicate that a future plan is fixed (cannot be changed)
2.1 To indicate the present (and temporary) nature of the activity
We are doing a user study at the moment.
We are currently installing the new assembly line.
Note: Time markers like: at the moment, currently, now are often used.

2.2 To indicate that a future plan is fixed (cannot be changed)
We are moving to new offices next week.
We are running a series of quality training seminars next month.
Note: We use the present continuous to mean a present fixed plan to do something in the future.

3. Controlled practice
A. Complete the tapescript of a meeting by inserting the right form. Use each of the following verbs once:
work on, find, run at, come, do, happen, plan, approach, teach, think, expand, manage
MD:At the moment, the market _____ ____. So this is an opportunity we must take. Our advertising agency ____ ___ ____ a new campaign for next month. Now, what about Production?
PM:Currently we ___ ___ ___ 75% capacity-so, that gives us some spare capacity.
MD:Good, how ____ we ____ on staffing levels in the factory?
PM:We ___ ___ it difficult to recruit technicians. There seems to be a shortage on the job market.
MD:What ___ you ___ to do about it?
PM:Well, we ___ ___ of using a recruitment agency. A chap from a local agency ___ ___ in to see me on Monday to talk about it.
MD:Fine, what about cash flow? The upturn in the market is going to be a drain on cash.
FM:That’s right. At the moment, we ___ ___ on an overdraft of about ₤85000. I can go and talk to the Bank Manager about it. We’ve always been a good customer.
MD:Yes, do that as soon as possible. Finally, training. We’re going to need some more sales reps and technicians in production. What ____ ____ at the moment in training?
TM:We ____ ____ a refresher sales course but we’ve got spare capacity…

B. Sylvia Drake and Michael Moore are arranging a meeting to discuss next year’s sales budget. Look at their diaries for Monday to Wednesday and complete the conversation.

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