
www.zige365.com 2008-10-7 15:13:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 Cultural icons are harder to define but we know them when we see them. They are people who manage to transcend celebrity, who are legendary, who somehow manage to become mythic. But what makes some fires icons and others mere celebrities? That’s hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story. For instance, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, bore a king, renounced marriage and the throne, and died at the moment she found true love. (44) Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charisma, with the help of the media. (45) But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death --- such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.

    Part Three: Cloze Test
    Direction: Fill in each numbered blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)

    There are many explanations (46)       why UFOs visit the earth. The most popular one is that they may contain visitors from other planet. To make such an aircraft, the builders must develop different forms of aviation, (47)       they seem to fly much faster than normal aircraft. The UFOs, it is believed, (48)       contain scientist form other planets who are studying life (49)       earth. It is even believed that several such aircraft may have (50)      on earth, and some of these space visitors may be living among us.

    But there are also less reasonable explanations available. (51)      some sightings of UFOs are difficult to explain, most can be explained quite easily. In many (52)      the observers might have made a mistake. They might have seen a weather balloon or an aircraft. Or the light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground (53)      onto the clouds. (54)     , the exact cause of many sightings still remains a (55)    

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