
www.zige365.com 2008-10-7 15:13:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
A. besieged   B. besought   C. beclouded   D. becrippled

    13. The high-rise garbage repository is a          for both accomplishment and failure.

    A. exaggeration    B. allusion    C. euphemism    D. metaphor

    14. The second book was          by August 1952, but two years later, the end was still nowhere in sight.

    A. completed    B. to have completed   C. to complete    D. to have been completed

    15. The world’s greatest sporting event, the Olympic Games, upholds the amateur ideal that          matters is not winning but participating.

    A. anything     B. it     C. what      D. everything

    16.         , the Olympic Games, upholds the amateur ideal that what matters is not winning but participating.

    A. Having been the world’s greatest sporting event

    B. Which is the world’s greatest sporting event

    C. What world’s the greatest sporting event

    D. The world’s greatest sporting event

    17. We expect you to act          of our country in the talks concerning her entry into the WTO.

    A. in the best interests       B. upon the utmost benefit 

    C. for the best love          D. to the utmost welfare

    18. You       live for ten days without food; without water you       die in less than a week.

    A. may… might  B. would…should  C. might…would   D. should…might

    19. I don’t think       of them is in the classroom.

    A. all      B. both     C. either    D. neither

    20.      , the tomatoes taste delicious.

    A. They are ripe   B. they ripe   C. when ripe    D. when are ripe
    21. A senior Bush administration official also indicated yesterday that early resumption of the six-party talks, hosted by China, on North Korea in January may not be possible because Washington and Beijing have not yet reached an       of views.

    A. contract         B. identity        C. coordination    D. alliance

    22. The secretary was left       about this plan.

    A. in the dark    B. in the sea    C. in the doghouse    D. in the clouds

    23. Physics, about which I know nothing, doesn’t seem      .

    A. such a dull subject  B. so dull a subject  C. such dull a subject  D. so a dull subject

    24. You can’t be       when you cross the street.

    A.     so careful      B. such     C. much     D. too careful

    25. The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were       and many houses collapsed.

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