Oracle9iAS 证书指南

www.zige365.com 2007-8-4 16:19:41 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  __ Configure credentials                              
  [ ] Use the appropri
HTTP Serve
ate directives to configure

single sign-on with Oracle

  [ ] Define SSO server to use SSL              
  [ ] Configure applications to use SSO    

  17. Introducing Orac
le Internet Directory (OID)
  [ ] Describe the functions perfo
rmed by the OID architectural components
  [ ] Start, stop and restart usin
g OEM Web site
  [ ] Use Oracle Directory Manager
, including:
  __ Start Oracle Directory Manager            
  __ Connect to a directory                            
  __ Navigate the Oracle Directory
Manager GUI
  __ Obtain user information using
Oracle Directory Manager
  [ ] Connect to and disconnect fr
om a directory server

  18. Oracle Internet
Directory Concepts and Archi
  [ ] What is a directory server                  
  __ What is LDAP                                                
  __ Why should you use LDAP                          
  __ What is LDAP components                          
  __ Identify common directory app
  [ ] OID architectural components              
  __ OID node architecture                              
  __ OID server instance architecture        
  __ How does OID work                                      

  19. Directory and Lightweight Di
rectory Access Protocol (LDAP) concepts

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