1. Oracle9iAS Installation Options |
[ ] Describe the arc Application Serve
hitecture and main component
s of the middle-tier Oracle9i
[ ] Explain the inst installation options ena
allation options for Oracle9 ble different features
iAS and how the various
[ ] Explain the installation dep
[ ] Indentify the recommended de
ployment strategies
2. Installing Oracle
9i Application Server
[ ] Install J2EE and Web Cache |
[ ] Describe the dif subsequent installation
ference between the first in
stallation on a machine and
[ ] Describe when you need to as Infrastructure
sign a J2EE and Web Cache instance to an
[ ] Install Oracle9i this type
AS Infrastructure, and: Exp
lain a first installation of
[ ] Describe the ins
tallation if components alre
ady exist
3. Managing Oracle9iAS Using Ora
cle Enterprise Manager
[ ] Use the Oracle9i symbols and icons to sta
AS Web-based management tool rt, stop, restart instances
s, and explain and use or components
[ ] Start and stop an Oracle9iAS
instance or a component
[ ] Explain the stru
cture of the Farm page
[ ] Use the navigati back to your starting po
on bar to access different c int
omponent homepages and get
4. Managing the Oracle HTTP Server |
[ ] Specify the directory struct
ure and location of configuration files
[ ] Configure and ma using dcmctl command lin
nage Oracle HTTP Server: usi e utility
ng Oracle Enterprise Manager,
[ ] Locate the main configuratio
n file httpd.conf
__ Specify server and administra
tor functions
__ Limit the number
of processes and connections
__ Manage the network connection |
__ Configure and use server log files |