__ Using the Deploy J2EE applica
tion wizard to deploy an EJB
__ Using dcmctl command line utility |
10. Introducing Oracle9iAS Web Cache |
[ ] Describe key concepts of Ora
cle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Explain the architecture of
Oracle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Explain the communication fl
ow with Oracle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Describe common deployment s
[ ] Administer and c
onfigure Oracle9iAS Web Cach
[ ] Use Oracle Web Cache Manager |
[ ] Use the command
line utility webcachect
[ ] Describe the directory struc
ture of Oracle9iAS Web Cache
[ ] Locate configuration and log files |
[ ] Start, stop, and restart Ora Manager Web site
cle9iAS Web Cache using Oracle Enterprise
[ ] Obtain status, statistics an
d metrics from OEM Web Cache Homepage
[ ] Modify security settings, in
__ Change the passwo
rds to Oracle9iAS Web Cache
__ Use Web Cache Manager to chan
ge the administrator or invalidator password
11. Using and Managin Oracle9iAS
Web Cache
[ ] Create and confi
gure caching rules using Web
Cache Manager
[ ] Set up invalidation mechanisms |
12. Managing the Oracle9iAS Infr
[ ] Describe the key
features of Oracle9iAS Infr
[ ] Describe the benefits of usi
ngOracle9iAS Infrastructure
[ ] Start of stop Oracle9iAS Inf
[ ] Manage the metad g
ata repository, including st
arting, stopping and restartin
13. Introducing Oracle9iAS clust
ering concepts
[ ] Explain the terms cluster, f
arm, instance, and component cluster
[ ] Describe the arc clusters
hitecture and components of
Oracle9iAS instances and
[ ] Explain how different failur
e scenarios are managed by Oracle9iAS:
__ A node within a c
luster goes down OPMN goes d
__ An Oracle HTTP Server goes down |
__ An OC4J process goes down |
[ ] Describe how distributed con
figuration management works when you:
__ Deploy a J2EE application to
a cluster