
www.zige365.com 2009-2-12 13:20:02 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

D. in agreement with

二、将下列词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)

16. fiscal packages

17. countervailing duty

18. debt service

19. liquid assets

20. good resistance

21. current account

22. cash crops

23. GNP

24. deinflationary policy

25. equivalent value


26. 市场份额

27. 供应短缺

28. 世界银行

29. 资本货物

30. 生产力

31. 国内需求

32. 外汇收入

33. 进口税

34. 有形贸易收支

35. 利润汇款


Passage 1

If Europeans aren’t bursting to give the single market a coming-out party, it may simply be that markets aren’t the kinds of things people gush about, as EC commission president Jacques Delors has often noted. The fact that free movement of people — an aspect of the market that will be most evident to the average person — is not yet a reality also plays a role.

Another explanation is that many of the market’s original 282 directives have already been implemented.

“By Jan. 1 we will have passed 95 per cent of what we sought in 1986 to create the single market, and much of that will already have been translated into national law,” says Perissich. “Adjustment to the market has been going on for years and won’t be expected over-night.”

36. What does the first sentence tell us about Europeans’ attitude toward the single market?

37. What are the reasons why Europeans don’t give the single market a coming-out party?

38. How do you interpret in English the underlined word “translate” in the third paragraph? Please find an appropriate Chinese equivalent for it.

Passage 2

On a conservative estimate the Uruguay round would permanently raise global welfare by more than $100 billion a year, spur economic growth everywhere, and extend competition to hitherto sheltered, and therefore backward, parts of all economies. By any standards, it would be a hugely valuable achievement.

Such opportunities come too rarely to be squandered. Yet this one still may be.

39. What would the Uruguay round bring to the backward parts of economies?

40. Why would an economy be backward once it is “sheltered”?

41. Please rewrite in full the last sentence “Yet this one still may be”.


Passage 1

Today, the Internet is changing the way business transactions are conducted. It is empowering both consumers and businesses by providing expanding markets and choices to not only national, but also international communities. It brings more competition in products and prices and it encourages change and improvement, given its ability to provide information and comparative choices.

Putting up a Website to promote and display products, and attracting online shoppers to look around at the products, however, are only one way of conducting business via the Internet. To realize the true potential of electronic commerce, an effective method of receiving payment for products which are sold or delivered through the Internet is a necessity. This is the focus of current Internet-related research. While it is currently possible to buy things over the Internet, this form of commerce has not yet gained enough popularity. It has great potential.

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