
www.zige365.com 2009-2-12 13:20:02 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心




1. The strong increase in imports last year is attributed to buoyant economic activity as well as to the success of the Government’s trade and foreign investment policies.
A. ascribed
B. described
C. distributed
D. contributed

2. In April 1984, the State Council declared 14 cities along the entire coast plus Hainan Island open to foreign investment.
A. demonstrated
B. informed
C. announced
D. displayed

3. In Shanghai, Tianjin and other urban centers, China is trying — with considerable success — to attract high-technology firms that will modernize its economy.
A. considerate
B. considering
C. great
D. massive

4. Chile has now been growing at an average annual rate of 4.5 percentage points for the past six years.
A. quarterly
B. weekly
C. monthly
D. yearly

5. But it appears that officials are prepared to turn up the temperature on trade — and live with the consequences.
A. consensus
B. results
C. frequencies
D. agreements

6. If the political will to continue moving forward fails, we can anticipate more strains in the marriage contract that ultimately would strike at what we’ve accomplished.
A. activate
B. participate
C. complete
D. expect

7. Having argued that criticism of the trade surplus is misconceived, MITI’s paper goes on to predict that the surplus will, of its own accord, gradually diminish in size and relevance.
A. willingly
B. reluctantly
C. accordingly
D. thoroughly

8. Korea, once known as the “Hermit Kingdom”, is plainly on the move.
A. on motion
B. in progress
C. under revolution
D. for evolution

9. Shaikh Fahim has already shown in recent public statements that he is inclined to be forthright about the threat posed by the UAE’s neighbours across the Gulf.
A. forthcoming
B. former
C. upright
D. straightforward

10. Jean-Pierre Soisson, the farm minister, has said France may block the EC’s acceptance of a new farm-trade deal, and thereby wreck the round.
A. boom
B. blink
C. construct
D. obstruct

11. But countertrade is not the exclusive province of debtor nations.
A. creditor
B. borrower
C. purchaser
D. loaner

12. The company is distributing more consumer coupons and giving bottlers bigger discounts.
A. giving out
B. assembling to
C. collecting up
D. gathering upon

13. Hong Kong Eggs and Products Company monopolizes the import of Chinese eggs, both fresh and preserved.
A. confines
B. minimizes
C. dominates
D. mobilizes

14. All other things being equal, a subsequent fall in the dollar might be expected to give a compensating boost to dollar commodity prices.
A. pull
B. push
C. drag
D. draw

15. Values declined in line with platinum and New York advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation.
A. in contrast with
B. in terms with
C. in comparison with

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