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2007年4月全国自考试题_外刊经贸知识选读 2007-9-29 16:54:52 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Tariff peaks and tariff escalation: after many rounds of trade negotiations, average tariffs on non-agricultural products have been significantly reduced. But relatively high tariffs still remain on some products in which developing countries are competitive and tariffs go up as the level of processing increases. Tariff escalation prevents developing countries from moving away from dependence on a few commodities. Tariff peaks and tariff escalation must be brought down by the negotiations, if developing countries are to be able to meaningfully gain from world merchandise trade.
47.The speaker discusses the reason of why Doha Development Agenda has been a great success.
48.Progress in the agriculture negotiations alone contributes substantially to this development agenda.
49.Most of the export earnings of Africa come from agricultural products.
50.Doing away with trade barriers in agriculture means exempting developing countries from debts.
51.Because developed countries set a limit on tariffs, developing countries are exporting a broader range of competitive commodities.
52.During the past few years a major objective of the Chinese authorities has been to reduce the proportion of agricultural exports, while increasing that of industrial and mineral products. A wide variety of industrial goods are now exported and Chinese capital equipment has been used by a number of developing countries to establish projects in areas such as agriculture, forestry, light industry, food processing, water conservation and transport and communications.
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