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2007年4月全国自考试题_外刊经贸知识选读 2007-9-29 16:54:52 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

第一部分 选择题(共30分)
1.His employer transferred him to another office.
A.renovated           B.changed
C.aspired            D.exchanged
2.The Chinese government plans to speed up rural development.
A.distribute           B.contribute
C.moderate           D.accelerate
3.This boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.
A.growth           B.measure
C.bonus            D.behemoth
4.Companies like IBM and Dell are starting to offer comparable packages for open source solutions.
A.similar           B.reliable
C.cyclical           D.considerable
5.As a consequence of something which happens in the game, a player must do something silly.
A.conversation         B.payment
C.competition          D.result
6.EU takes steps to remove an obstruction from Chinese textile imports held up at EU frontiers.
A.unlock            B.unload
C.unblock           D.unbind
7.It requires the return of excess revenue to taxpayers when state revenue exceeds the amount forecast at the start of a budget period by more than 2 percent.
A.expensive           B.surplus
C.extensive           D.rough
8.The recent statement of the president forecast a change in the situation.
A.diminished          B.capitulated
C.concentrated         D.foreshadowed
9.The factory must aim at developing new models of machines.            B.outstrip
C.justify            D.enforce
10.The appointment of an experienced UAE diplomat will add weight to the UAE’s voice in the organization.
A.height            B.importance
C.width            D.appearance
11.Record oil prices in the international market pose no threat to the Swiss economy at the moment.
A.propose           B.possess
C.present            D.protect
12.Northrop Corporation located a purchaser for Swiss elevators in Egypt.
A.pulled            B.found
C.pushed            D.chose
13.The Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs) focus on developing highly trained examiners for a particular market segment.
C.examination          D.innovation
14.More than Microsoft, Google is more likely to monopolize the Internet with their probable GNet and Google.
A.constitute          B.promote
C.stabilize           D.dominate
15.The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government.
A.yielding           B.successive
C.following           D.speculative
第二部分 非选择题(共70分)
16.most-favored nation treatment

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