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2007年1月高教自学考试综合英语(一)真题 2007-9-27 10:02:33 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  B.put forward another proposal
  C.speed up the voting process
  D.establish a committee before the vote
  33.What are politicians eager to do, according to the author?
  A.change their constituents’(选民)minds about drugs
  B.delay a decision on the drug problem until November
  C.find a way to make the drug problem disappear
  D.limit the drug problem to a certain group of people
  34.According to the author, what will happen to the drug market if we legalize drugs?
  A.The hard truth about drugs will finally be faced.
  B.Drug dealers won’t be able to sell drugs so easily.
  C.Pushers may make more money.
  D.It would benefit those who take drugs.
  35.How do most Americans deal with the drug problem?
  A.They generally support the “just say no”drug policy.
  B.They would not touch drugs.
  C.They really try to face the drug problem.
  D.They only talk about it.
  Passage 2
  Men seem to have always taken an interest in meteorites(陨石),but not until the early nineteenth century were these objects considered worth preserving for scientific study.
  In the beginning people believed that because meteorites fell from the heavens, they were either gods themselves or messengers from the gods. Thus the more civilized of early men carefully kept the meteorites, covering them with costly linens and printing them with oil. In many instances, the people built special temples in which the meteorites were to be worshiped. Meteorite worship was common long ago in the Mediterranean area, and in Africa, India, Japan, and Mexico, such worship still persists in some regions.
  Although many people held meteorites in reverence(尊敬),particularly if they were seen to fall, other practical-minded individuals made good use of the durable and easily-worked alloy provided by nature in the nickel-iron meteorites. They frequently used this metal to make tools, and often pots and other utensils. Throughout history, meteoritic iron has been used in the manufacture of special swords, daggers, and knives for members of royalty. Attila and other early conquerors of Europe boasted of “swords from heaven.” As late as the end of the nineteenth century ,several swords were made from a Japanese iron meteorite at the command of a member of the Japanese court.
  36.In the nineteenth century men began to _______. meteorites scientifically
  B.preserve meteorites
  C.take more than a casual interest in meteorites
  D.investigate practical uses for meteoritic iron
  37.The more civilized early men tended to _______.
  A.have no interest in meteorites
  B.preserve meteorites carefully
  C.recognize what meteorites actually were
  D.making practical use of meteorites
  38.Meteorite worship was _______. to small isolated tribes
  B.common everywhere in the world
  C.common throughout much of the world to the least civilized of early men
  39.Until the end of the nineteenth century meteoritic iron was used to _______.

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