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2007年1月高教自学考试综合英语(一)真题 2007-9-27 10:02:33 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  A.exciting B.excited
  C.excitement D.excite
  25.She never forgave her father for breaking his _______.
  A.promote B.perfection
  26.The cave _______ us from the heavy rain.
  A.guarded B.fought
  C.sheltered D.shadowed
  27.The abuse of drugs can have very serious and long-lasting _______ on a person.
  A.efforts B.affects
  C.results D.effects
  28.The old man observed him _______ the room with a bag.
  A.entered B.entering
  C.enters entering
  29.He proposed that we _______ next Sunday.
  A.meeting B.shall meet D.will meet
  30.He strongly objected to _______ like a child. treated B.being treated
  C.treat D.treating

  Passage 1
  Drugs have become a political obsession(困扰) this election year. The House recently passed a bill that would impose a federal death penalty for drug-related murder. The House bill also calls for widespread mandatory drug testing and would permit the use of illegally gathered evidence in criminal trials. The Senate(参议院) is considering ways to bring the House bill to a quick vote, without going through the normally lengthy committee process.
  Every politician is eager, it seems, to cast a tough antidrug vote before the election in November. It’s as if politicians feel they have to come up with some new and severe measure that hasn’t been tried before, in the hopes it will make the drug problem disappear. The death penalty for drug pushers or those who commit drug-related murders seems to be the favorite of conservatives this year. Now, a handful of liberals have come up with a radical approach at the other extreme: decriminalize drug use in the hopes that it will take the profit out of drug sales.
  There aren’t any easy answers to the drug problem in America. And election years certainly aren’t conducive(有益于) to discussions of the hard truth of drug use. Drug dealers push their wares because there is a market for them in this country. Legalizing drugs won’t affect that market and, arguably, might increase it by removing the penalties.
  Nancy Reagan was strongly criticized when she proposed a program to “just say ‘no’ to drugs.” But is there really any other answer? Americans are going to have to face up to some hard questions about ourselves and our values if we’re really going to eliminate drugs. Most of us, unfortunately, would rather talk tough or redefine the problem.
  31.Which proposal was included in the House bill on drugs? punish drug-related murderers by death prohibit the use of drugs in any situation make mandatory drug testing illegal refuse to use illegally gathered evidence in criminal trials
  32.What is the Senate trying to do?
  A.fight the House bill

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