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自考英语(二)_2006年10月全国试题(北京卷,含答案) 2007-10-20 10:03:21 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  1. A.      preferred to say nothing about it
  2. B.      were requested to keep silent about it
  3. C.      spared not effort to cover up the story
  4. D.     were denied access to the whole story

35. It can be inferred from the passage that Germans no longer think that       

  1. A.      it is too early to claim responsibility for the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy
  2. B.      the German tragedy is a reasonable price to pay for the nation’s past
  3. C.      they will be misunderstood if they talk about the German tragedy
  4. D.     Germany is responsible for the horrors it caused during World War II


第二部分 非选择题

IV. Word Spelling

36. 结果,成果      n.   37. 分享,股份    n.

38. 愿意的,乐意的  adj.       39. 警告,告诫    v.

40. 表达,表情      n.   41. 多样性        n.

42. 预算            n          43. 衡量,测量    n.

44. 保证,担保      v.    45.家庭的,国内的 adj.

46. 发源,发起      v.    47. 应用,用具    n.

48. 激发,作为….的动机  v.      49. 可行的,可能的 adj. 

50. 欣赏,感激      n.      51. 战略,策略    n.

52. 精制,使精美   v.      53. 面对,对抗    v.

54. 一致,相符      v.      55. 最后的,最终的 adj.


V. Word Form

56. Do not let this       (say) of you. It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and to your job.

57. The theory of black holes in space       (accept) by many serious scientists and astronomers.

58. If you had been in better health, we       (allow) you to join them in the work.

59. Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not       (ignore).

60. I would rather you       (come) tomorrow.

61. One hundred miles       (be) too far to travel on foot.

62. Robots,       (become) increasingly prevalent in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world, are programmed and engineered to perform industrial tasks without human intervention.

63. Every boy and girl       (treat) in the same way.

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