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全国高等教育自学考试基础英语2003年10月试题 2007-12-17 9:33:07 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

39.To our great disappointment, neither of the toys(   )to the children.
A. appeal       B. appeals
C. are appealing     D. is appealed
40.The particles in the atom are too small(   )
A. seeing       B. seen
C. to be seen      D. for seeing
41.Everyone who is from Boston and everyone who has ever been there have heard of the Old
                A                      B     C               D
North Church.
42.When I was grown up, I spent every summer helping out on my grandparents ’farm.
             A              B           C       D
43.It is driving on the left what causes visitors to Britain the most trouble.
 A      B     C                          D
44.Many baseball fans still believe that Babe Ruth was the greater baseball player of all times.
 A                   B                       C            D
45.The man was seen run away with something black under his arm.
 A         B                 C     D
46.English words end in “ly ” are often adverbs, but they may also be adjectives such as
 A          B                     C                D
 47.Your grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but also how you participate in A                    B            C    D
discussions in class.
 48.To the two candidates, Mike and I, the final examination is not only the hardest, but also the
 A                    B                                   C
most exciting.
 49.Many a young man tell me that he wants to become an English teacher and I always encourage A             B           C                                       D
such people.
50.While walking on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give me a sense of peace
 A                     B                C                     D
and freedom.

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