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全国高等教育自学考试基础英语2003年10月试题 2007-12-17 9:33:07 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

29.Lanny had an advantage(   )his mother in that he was well-educated.
A. for       B. on
C. over       D. toward
30.The present population of this city is three times(   )it was ten years ago.
A. what       B. since
C. that       D. as
31.(   )the land is fertile, there is usually a large population.
A. Although      B. Where
C. Whether      D. There
32.You don’t need(   )for his permission every time you want to leave the room.
A. to ask       B. ask
C. asking       D. being asked
33.So badly(   )in the car accident that he had to stay in the hospital for treatment.
A. did Peter injure     B. Peter injured
C. Peter was injured    D. was Peter injured
34.He congratulated them(   )what they had achieved.
A. on       B. at
C. for       D. about
35.I should say Henry is not(   )much a writer as a reporter.
A. that       B. so
C. this       D. as
36.(   )in this business, you have to be adaptable.
A. Succeeding      B. Having succeeded
C. To succeed      D. To have succeeded
37.I would have come sooner but I(   )that you were waiting.
A. didn’t know     B. haven’t known
C. hadn’t known     D. knew
38.He came to me last night to apologize for not doing what he(   )
A. ought to do      B. should do
C. ought to be doing    D. ought to have done

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