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浙江省高等教育自学考试基础英语2003年1月试题 2007-12-17 9:31:31 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

    The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to   1  , in the shortest possible  time.  2   these wide modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained, with   3   sharp curves and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most enjoyable one.Large highways often pass   4   scenic areas and interesting small towns.Furthermore, these highways generally   5   large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with   6   traffic during rush hours, when the “fast, direct” route becomes a very slow route.
    However, there is   7   always another route to take   8   you are not in a hurry.Not far from the   9   new “superhighways”,there are often older aod   10   heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside.Some of these are good twolane roads;others are uneven roads curving through the country.
1.A.some     B.the other     C.another     D.others
2.A.Although     B.Since     C.Because     D.Therefore
3.A.little     B.few     C.much     D.many     B.into     C.over
5.A.lead     B.connect     C.collect     D.communicate
6.A.large     C.high     D.heavy
7.A.yet     B.still     C.almost     D.quite
8.A.unless     B.if     D.since
9.A.relatively     B.regularly     C.respectively     D.reasonably
10.A.and     B.less     C.more     D.or
rely on, unhappy, think, imagine, talk, two years ago, paid, money,
 working environment, future, from then  on, compare, make, laid
off workers
    Recently, I   11   with several colleagues, who were recruited by the State-owned factory I work for, from my Alma Mater, an electrical university in North China. They were quite   12   because their work  situation was not what they had   13  .
    When I first started working in this factory   14  ,I was not as disappointed as they were. I didn't care much about the   15   or the salary. I was glad that I was independent   16   and would not have to   17   my parents any more.Maybe I could support them to repay them for bringing me up and giving me an education.
    It is true that we are at a disadvantage if we   18   ourselves with other schoolmates who are now working for electrical enterprises or in big companies earning a lot of money. But not everyone earns a large amount of money. We should realize that there are millions of   19   throughout the country because of the reform to a market economy.
    Nevertheless, I am not talking about feeling at ease and comfortable with one's job. We should strive for a better   20  .The evolution of our present work unit requires our efforts to make it prosperous.

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