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浙江省高等教育自学考试基础英语2003年1月试题 2007-12-17 9:31:31 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

27.China is a ______ country.
A.socialist great modernized    B.socialist modernized great
C.great modernized socialist    D.modernized socialist great
28.We must face the fact ______ we have spent all our money.
A.that     B.which     C.on which
29.If he ______ that, he would have run away.
A.realizes    B.would have realized
C.had realized    D.have realized
30.It is this terrible wastefulness ______ has got us into the mess we are in now.
A.which     B.that     D.who

That is troubling her is that she doesn't have much experience in business.
     A                    B             C                 D
As far as the method itself is concerned it is worth trying. The trouble is that
       A                    B             C 
 we don't have enough hand.
The United States, alike many other countries, receives  a large number of
                    A                     B          C 
 immigrants yearly from all over the world.
4.The people who buy these imported things will have to  pay the duties, on the form
            A                          B              C        D
of higher prices.
5.A cut in your prices is exactly that our customers wish that you should do.
   A              B       C                            D
6.The phenomena of nature is changing all the time, we only have limited knowledge
                          A          B                C
about them.
7.You had better eat more fruit, and it will do you goodness.
       A           B       C              D
8.They can be opened at both ends, thus making it possible load and unload at the
                      A            B            C
same time.
9.Eva concentrated to her reading so that she could understand the story.
               A       B     C             D
10.The wooden cases for our goods should be not only seaworthy and strong enough to
                   A                   B            C
protect them from any damage.

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