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全国2003年10月自学考试高级英语试题 2007-10-22 14:11:30 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

C. Higher education gets its financial support from various sources.
D. Higher education gets most of its financial support from student tuition.
58. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Colleges and universities in America can’t provide justifiable education.
B. Colleges and universities can get enough financial support.
C. Students should learn a lot more at colleges and universities.
D. Students don’t learn what they deserve at colleges and universities.
59. According to the author, the government has consistently ________.
A. helped the disadvantaged students
B. tried to re-distribute the financial aid to the students who need it most
C. offered financial aid to most students who need it
D. spent enough money for the students who need it most
60. From this article, we know that a graduate _________.
A. is allowed enough time to repay the borrowed money
B. has to take more than 15 percent of his gross income to repay the loan
C. doesn’t have to pay an interest
D. can put off the repayment as long as he/she likes
61. In Paragraph 11, which of the following is the best to substitute for “accountable to”?
A. devoted to
B. responsible for
C. suitable for
D. desirable
62. American people support higher education because _________.
A. they can reduce the burden of colleges and universities
B. they want to improve it
C. the students can get benefits from it
D. they can get benefits from it
63. What is implied by the author?
A. It is not fair to ask those who do not go to college to pay more than they should for higher education.
B. College graduates earn more than nongraduates do.
C. A person’s income is closely related to his or her education.
D. Some nongraduates do not mind paying for higher education.
64. The tone of this article is ________.
A. informative
B. ironic
C. persuasive
D. narrative

Ⅴ. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest in meaning to the underlined part. (10 points, 2 points each)
65. …they have begun to unveil tuition increases that far outstrip the inflation rate.
A. that surpass
B. that are much more than
C. that can compete with
D. that are beyond
66. This assertion flies in the face of the facts.
A. agrees with the facts
B. fails to face the facts
C. finds its base in the facts
D. is contrary to the facts
67. They deserve an education commensurate with the large sums paid by parents and taxpayers and donors.
A. an education which concentrates on
B. an appropriate education designed according to
C. an education in right proportion to
D. a frist class education because of
68. … that the Reagan Administration’s student aid policies deprive disadvantaged students of the opportunity to attend college.
A. make it impossible for disadvantaged students to get college education
B. deny that disadvantaged students should have a chance to go to college
C. offer unequal opportunities for disadvantaged students to gain college education
D. offer more opportunities for the advantaged students to attend college

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