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全国2003年10月自学考试高级英语试题 2007-10-22 14:11:30 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

8) It is also false to assert, as some have, that the Reagan Administration’s student aid policies deprive disadvantaged students of the opportunity to attend college. In fact, the Administration has consistently sought to redirect aid to the neediest students.

9) Under the Administration’s fiscal 1988 budget proposal, all students presently receiving aid would continue to be eligible for the same dollar amount of aid. One in six of all college students would still be eligible to receive Federal grants. Those less needy would still have access to aid in the form of loans.

10) One particular Administration proposal, Income Contingent Loans, represents the most serious attempt to improve student aid in 15 years. The loans would permit repayment schedules to be tailored to a student’s income. A graduate’s payments would never have to exceed 15 percent of his adjusted gross income, and he could have as long as necessary to repay.

11) An advantage of the Administration’s proposals is that they would help make colleges and universities accountable to the prime beneficiaries of their services – the students.

12) Because students would pay a market-based interest rate, they would bear the true cost of borrowing the additional capital needed to finance tuition increases. Instead of insulating colleges and universities form such market forces, the Administration’s policies would make colleges and universities more readily accountable to them.

13) Higher education clearly provides benefits to society in general. Recognizing this, the American people have generously provided the tax dollars, grants and highly subsidized loans necessary to support higher education. But the chief beneficiaries of a college education are the students. On average, college graduates earn $640,000 more over their lifetimes than nongraduates do. It is simply not fair to ask taxpayers, many of whom do not go to college, to pay more than their fair share of the tuition burden.

Ⅳ. There are 10 incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (10 points, 1 point each)
55. The author intends to _________.
A. compare the inflation rate and tuition increases
B. criticize the federal government in cutting the financial aid in education
C. defend the federal government and accuse colleges of unnecessary and excessive tuition increases
D. criticize the low quality of higher education in the United States
56. The author thinks that the colleges and universities can raise the tuition because they believe that _________.
A. there are Federal loan subsidies
B. every student can get Federal loan subsidies easily
C. governmental support for student aid becomes less
D. higher quality education needs more money
57. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is true?
A. Higher education gets all its financial support from the federal government.
B. Higher education gets all its financial support from nonfederal sources.

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