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2002年1月浙江省高等教育自学考试基础英语试题及答案 2007-12-17 9:29:28 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

    Why do some nations remain so much poorer than others?
    In a new study, economist Eli Berman of Boston University (1) ______ that part of the answer lies in the natrue of technological change. (2) _____ the early 1960s, he notes, a small group of nations has made impressive progress. But on average, in the (3) ______ world per capita incomes have grown (4) ______ faster than those in advanced nations, which means the gap between the two has continued to (5) ______ in absolute terms.
    Berman points out that technological progress in recent decades has notably (6) _____ on more educated work forces (7) ______ high levels of physical captial. Citing substantial research in the U. S. and (8) ______, attributing the widening wage gap between poorly-educated and well-educated workers to the (9) ______ demand for skilled labor generated by new technology, Berman theorized that nations with high levels of skilled workers should grow faster than (10) ______ with lower level of such resources.
(1)A.proposes         B.suggests         C.guarantees         D.complains
(2)A.Up to         B.During         C.Since         D.In times of
(3)A.developing         B.developed        C.developable        D.developmental
(4)A.not         B.much         C.less
(5)A.lengthen         B.broaden         C.deepen         D.heighten
(6)A.focused         B.caught         C.depended         D.held
(7)A.combining with     B.suffering from     C.subjected to     D.equipped with
(8)A.anywhere         B.elsewhere         C.somewhere         D.wherever
(9)A.grown         B.grown-up         C.growing         D.growing-up
(10)A.those         B.that         C.some         D.any
medium, in this way, made from, carry around, known as, civilization, contain,
extra, made of, inaccurate, show around, although, stand for, necessary 
    Primitive man learned that he could have more of the good things of life by trading with other men. For example, he could exchange a(n)(11) ______ animal skin for food, a spear or something else. With the coming of (12) ______ man began to use grain, olive oil and cattle as barter items. But trading with goods was (13) ______ and burdensome, it was necessary to (14) ______ a load of hay on your back to exchange for a dozen bushels of wheat. In about 700 B.C.a man in Asia Minor (15)    the Lydians decided that gold, silver and other metals should (16) ______ the value of goods. They invented a rough coin called the “stater”, which was (17) ______ gold and silver. A certain number of “staters” could be used to buy a bag of salt, a tool, or clothing. (18) ______ the old custom of barter was gradually replaced by the use of money, (19) ______ some primitive people still use goods as (20) ______ of exchange.

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