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2002年1月浙江省高等教育自学考试基础英语试题及答案 2007-12-17 9:29:28 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

29.If the sun ______ brightly tomorrow, we'll go mountain-climbing.
 A.would shine         B.will shine         C.shone         D.shines
 30.He told me he ______ the Communist Youth League in 1958.
 A.joined          B.had joined         C.has joined         D.has been joined
1.Five dollars  not enough  taxi fares   this .
2.  the patients   .
3.  I  this time, I will try   better next .
4.Never     feeling.
5.The only thing  matters now  a hotel and have  good rest.
6.  teacher did not let me  the oral test,    me.
7.The language  for speaking in the court be  different .
8. together is  the simplest way of   business; however, it  one of the most effective methods.
9. people  become   in  the INTERNET.
10.Middle schools in China  two :the state-run schools  the privately-owned ones.

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