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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案5 2007-11-12 14:36:16 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; but also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.

There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing

attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is

actually a nonessential food! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can

be used to sweeten food if this necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is

not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be additive: the quantity

we use has grown steadily over the last centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and nofiber.

It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part

of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example ,the fiber has been removed. But

it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting

to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on “healthy eating”.

 21.Which statement best expresses the main idea of this article?

 A) People should eat any food to keep themselves healthy and strong.

 B) People should eat natural foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.

 C) People should eat fiber foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.

 D) People should eat vegetables to keep themselves healthy and strong.

 22.“Particularly processed foods” means ____.

 A) foods which are particularly processed by adding chemical additives

 B) foods which are particularly made by commercial farms

 C) foods which are specially produced by commercial factories

 D) foods which are not specially made by adding anything

 23.Natural foods means ____.

 A) foods good for health

 B) foods not good for health

 C) foods such as vegetables, fruit and grain from rich organic matters soil

 D) crops from rich organic matters soil and meats of animals from healthy


 24.There are no vitamins, no minerals and no fibers in ____.

 A) natural foods C) sugar

 B) animal meats D) fruit

25.“Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories.” It means ____.

 A) processed food provides us with energy

 B) natural food furnishes us with vitamins and minerals

 C) sugar gives us enough energy in the form of calories

 D) fiber helps us to digest food

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into

the sky. Minutes later, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount

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