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英语四级考试2005年6月预测卷1 2007-11-12 14:29:35 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

35.  Globalization of sporting culture means that ___.
A. more people are taking up sports.
B. traditional sports are getting popular.
C. many local sports are becoming international
D. foreigners are more interested in local sports 
36.  Which of the following is NOT related to the massive changes?
  A. Good economic returns.                       B. Revival of sports
C. Communications technology.                D. Marketing strategies. 
37  What is the author’s attitude towards the suggestion to change soccer into one of four 25-minute quarters?
A. Favourable.        B. Unclear.          C. Reserved.         D. Critical. 

Section II Skimming and scanning  (10 points ,5 minutes.)

 In this section there are seven passages with a total of ten multiple-choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers.

 Text E

First read the following question.
38.  The main purpose of the passage is to___.
A. warn people of pickpockets.          B. tell people what to wear.
C. describe how to catch thieves.       D. explain how to contact the police. 

Now, go through Text E quickly and answer question 38.

     Pickpockets operate in crowded places in the hope of getting easy pickings. Don’t make it easy for them. Keep wallets, purses and other valuables out of sight. If wearing a jacket, an inside pocket is the best place to use. If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.

   Please co-operate with the police by reporting any crime or suspicious activity immediately, either by dialling 110 or calling at your nearest police station.

Text F

First read the following question.

39.  The main topic of the passage is ___.
A. agricultural products             B. irrigation methodsC. natural resources   D. water shortages 

  Now, go through Text F quickly and answer question 39.

     It is widely accepted that China is a country faced with severe water shortages. Insufficient water resources have slowed agricultural development. And to
make matters worse, some of the traditional Chinese irrigation methods have wasted an astonishing amount of water.

   In China today, the utilization efficiency of farming water is about 30-40 per cent. This figure stands in sharp contrast to developed countries’ utilization average of 70-80 per cent. The low utilization efficiency has resulted from the adoption of some traditional Chinese irrigation methods.

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