
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 10:50:12 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Part ⅢListening Comprehension
  Section A
  11. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.
  W: He’d better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won’t find any near the campus.
  Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?
  A)。从选项可以猜测本题是对行为的考查,考查某人应该做某事,因此听录音时要侧重建议性的句型信息。男士说Gordon needs to find another place to live,可知此人想找房子,接着女士说He’d better start looking right away。had better do sth.是建议句型的提示信息,后面的内容即是答案所在。
  12. W: Judy earned a lot of money over the summer as an advisor for that agency.
  M: I don’t doubt it. What surprises me is that she is still working there, now that classes have started again.
  Q: What does the man say about Judy?
  B)。由选项预测本题考查男士的观点,听录音时应着重理解男士的话。从女士话中的earn money,over the summer可知对话涉及学校兼职工作,男士的回答中出现了What surprises me is that…,这是明显的提示信息,其后即是答案所在。
  13. M: There is an article here in this magazine that might interest you. It’s about buying running shoes.
  W: If it’s not chemistry and it’s not on the final exam, I can read it now.
  Q: What is the woman probably doing now?
  14. W: Please turn down the television. I can’t hear anything my friend is saying on the phone.
  M: Hurry up and finish your call. I don’t like standing so close. The light hurts my eyes.
  Q: Why is the woman upset?
  C)。由选项预测本题是对原因提问,并且是针对女士,听录音时应着重体会因果关系。对话中女士要求关闭电视,并直接说明了理由,can’t hear anything on the phone,与C)相符。至于男士的要求及其理由是本题的干扰项,注意辨别。
  15. W: I was quite surprised when I heard William play the violin. From the way he talked I thought he was just starting his lessons.
  M: Oh, that’s the way he always talks.
  Q: What do we learn about William from this conversation?
  C)。由选项预测本题是对William的行为进行判断。听力考试中考生不仅要辨别细节和事实,还要具备根据内涵、语气等进行推断的能力。本题女士话中的surprised暗示William的violin表现出人意料,但从From the way…his lessons可推出他说话谦虚,让女士原以为他刚开始学习violin。
  16. W: It’s really a big problem to teach our children how to behave. When I get angry, I say things I don’t mean.
  M: If you want your kids to be polite, you’ll have to be polite to them.
  Q: What conclusion can be drawn from this conversation?
  A)。由选项预测本题是对孩子的行为进行判断。从女士话中的children,teach,behave可知对话是在讨论孩子教育问题。本题关键在于理解男士的回答,“如果你希望孩子们有礼貌,你就必须对他们有礼貌”,强调父母的榜样力量,由此可归纳出Children learn by example的结论。

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