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Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes)
  Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2
  82. If she had not become a Japanese citizen, (冠军属于)China.
  83. Many overweight people can bring down their blood pressure just by (减轻体重)10 to 20 pounds.
  84. By the end of the 15th century what had developed into being was a modified, (大大地丰富了的英语).
  85. Young as he is, the child has developed the ability to look at things (从成人的角度).
  86. The history professor has spent most of his time in icy Alaska, where the Eskimos
  still (坚持传统习俗).
  Key to Model Test Nine
  Part ⅠWriting
  Hand in Hand We Stand
  On May 12, 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan. Thousands of people lost their lives and even more people were left homeless. But, hand in hand, the Chinese people faced this disaster with compassion and courage.
  People across China offered to make donations energetically. Relief materials and funds were continuously pouring into quake hit areas. What’s more, several rescue teams and medical professionals, at home and abroad, was sent to the earthquake stricken areas to search and rescue the survivals.
  As far as we students are concerned, we should provide our helping hands for the earthquake stricken compatriots. We can donate our spare money to the suffering people who are in urgent need of food and medicine. Blood donation is also of vital significance for those injured people. Students who are equipped with professional skills can volunteer to the earthquake stricken areas to rescue more lives. Besides, our spirit support and sincere prayers can help the broken hearts overcome the temporary disaster.
  第一段开门见山,指出地震发生的时间和地点。其中,hand in hand “手挽手”、face this disaster with compassion and courage“用热情和勇气面对灾难”属于高分表达,为文章增色不少。
  第二段直接说明全国人民对灾区的捐助情况。Whats more的使用使文章层次分明,结构清晰。make donations“捐赠”、pour into“涌入”这些都是高分表达。
  第三段阐述自己作为学生能为灾区做点什么。Besides进一步说明,支持不光包括物质方面,还包括精神方面。As far as one is concerned是表达自己观点时的常用句型;in urgent need of “急切需要”;be equipped with“具备”均为高分表达。
  Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
  1. N)。[精析]本文介绍了飞机、飞机场等有关设施的特点,并没有介绍飞机的发展史。
  2. NG)。[定位]由题干关键词an automatic pilot定位到第1个标题下的第二段第一句话。
  3. Y)。[定位]由题干关键词the radio equipment定位到第1个小标题下第二段末句,“The radio equipment allows…to receive navigation signals.”
  4. Y)。[定位]由题干关键词solid定位到第2个标题下首段首句Early airplanes were made of wood frames covered by fabric and held in shape by wire.
  5. N)。[定位]由题干关键词Grapevine和Texas定位到第3个小标题下第三段首句One of the largest…of Dallas and Fort Worth.
  [精析]由该句可知Grapevine,Texas是世界最大的机场之一的所在地。而世界上最繁忙的机场是位于本段倒数第二句的“O’Hare International Airport, in Chicago”。
  6. Y)。[定位]由题干关键词runways定位到第四个小标题下第三段首句。
  [精析]第三段首句提到Heavily loaded passenger jets need long runways to gather enough speed to leave the ground,可知跑道必须足够长。另外首段也提到现代飞机越来越重,也要求跑道足够坚固。
  7. N)。[定位]由题干关键词Precision Approach Radar (PAR)定位到第5个小标题下第二段。
  [精析]由该段可知Precision Approach Radar (PAR)是用于引导向机场靠近的飞机的系统,而用于引导远离机场的飞机的系统是Ground Control Approach (GCA)。
  8. electronic “microwave” landing systems (MLS)
  [定位]由题干关键词control towers定位到第5个小标题末段末句。
  9. customs and passport control
  10. a special signal

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