
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 9:25:24 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

62. When her husband left home, Eileen Doyle             .

A)  could not forgive him for taking the children

B)  had been expecting it to happen for some time

C)  could not understand why

D)  blamed herself for what had happened

63. Most people who leave their families behind them            .

A)  do so without warningB)  do so because of their debts

C)  come back immediatelyD)  change their names

64. Some people would even prefer the death to the running away of their spouse(配偶) because             .

A)  their spouse would feel no pain during the death

B)  their spouse death would not blow their pride and confidence

C)  a desertion would not bring a feeling of rejection or failure

D)  their spouse death would make them feel less painful

65. The man or woman left behind with an unfinished marriage usually             .

A)  admits responsibility for the situationB)  wishes the person who has left were dead

C)  comes back within a yearD)  will have no legal marriage life for seven years

66. Paul Brown regards leaving home in such circumstances as             .

A)  an act of despair      B)  an act of selfishness

C)  the result of a sudden decisionD)  the result of the enormous sense of guilt


Part ⅤError Correction

Direction:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.


We live in a society in there is a lot of talk about              67       

science, but I would say that there are not 5 percent of

the people who are equipped with schooling, including

college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are

more ignorant of science as people with comparable           68       

educations in Western Europe.

There are a lot of kids who know everything about

computers—how to build them, how to take them apart,

how to write programs for games. So if you ask them           69       

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