
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 10:56:26 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Part 3 : Discussion

  1. E: When should children go to school?

  C: I think normally children should start school at the age of six. They are very curious at this age and it’s easy for them to grasp new skills.

  Tips: They have enough intelligence to understand what the teachers say and how to behave themselves.

  2. E: What’s the best age to learn skills?

  C: Well, it’s hard to say. It depends on the skills people want to learn. I think we can start at nearly any age. If we want to learn driving, we must learn it after we are 16.

  Tips: skill的种类: cooking skills, performing/acting skills, singing skills, driving skills, survival skills, (foreigh)language skills, play musical instruments, communication skills, camping skills, sports(mountaineering…), broadcasting skills…。根据年龄和性别等的不同进行分类说明学习各种skills的最佳年龄。

  3. E: Which is more important, learning by oneself or at schools?

  C: For my part, learning by oneself is more important. Teachers are guides, and you must depend on yourself for improving your ability.

  Tips: At schools, we just learn the methods, we must make efferts if we want to improve our ability.

  4. E: What do you think of the qualities of the teachers?

  C: Some teachers are quite qualified, and they can teach students useful information, but we can’t deny that there are some teachers who don’t know what

  they’re talking about.


  Good teachers: 1) teach us useful information;

  2) He would be conscientious: concentrate on teaching and be punctual;

  3) He would answer questions patiently;

  4) He gives students guidance in life;

  5) They shouldn’t punish students physically;

  6) They wrote well on the blackboard/whiteboard with marker.(板书写的好).[白板:whiteboard/白板笔:marker/荧光笔:highlighter]

  7) They should be responsible for the students’ safety or security.

  Bad teachers: 1) They don’t know how to teach;

  2) They like nagging about one topic.

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