
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 10:56:26 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

2.Is it necessary to have an international language?

  A: Yes. Cooperation between countries is increasing and if there is no barrier of language, both technology and society is going to be developed faster.

  Tip: 1)句型n.(pl.) between n.(pl.),“…之间的…”,n.可以被替换,如:conflicts between families are…。

  2) 注意“…障碍”的表达用barrier of n.,如:barrier of culture/trade/custom, psychological barrier(心理障碍)。

  3.Why is English the first international language?

  A: To some extent, the economic situation of a country can determine the number of people who speak its language. Besides, English has been widely accepted today.

  Tip: 1)“在一定程度上”,to some extent/to some degree/in a sense/in a way。

  2)“做…的人数”,the number of people who,后面用复数。

  3)“决定着…”,determine,如:The quality of goods can determine the number of people who use them.

  4)“取决于…”,depend on,如:A person’s position in the family depends on his economic situation.

  4.What’s dull in learning English?

  A: I don’t like learning the grammatical rules.I think its boring.

  Tip: 1)give sb. a headache,“让…头疼”,如:Learning the grammatical rules of English really gives me a headache。

  2)表达“背单词”时用memorize,而不能用recite或remember,如:I don’t like memorizing the English vocabulary, it’s really boring.

  5.What’s most interesting in learning English?

  A: Spoken English classes are interesting. When we can communicate with each other with English, it’s really pleasant.

  Tip: By studing English, I can get to know foreign culture/customs, get to understand English songs/ musics.

  6.When do most Chinese people start learning English?

  A: In the past, students started having English classes when they were in middle school, but now English is taught in primary schools.

  7.Is it true that all Chinese people can speak a little English?

  A: Not really. Young people can speak a little English, but old people cannot because when they were young, English was not regarded as important.

  Tip: People live in the countryside cannot speak English as well.注意表达“…人”的方式,people live in the countryside,又如表达“外国人”不要用foreigher,而用people from other countries。

  ※8. Can you give me some advice to improve English?

  A: It’s extremely important to practice listenning since it is the first step in communication. I advice English learner to watch English movies.

  Tip: 1)“学习…的人”,n.+ learner。

  2)TV series,“电视连续剧”。3)“创造机会…”,create some opportunity to…。3)电影名,如:霸王别姬《farewell to my concubine》。


  1.What kind of place do you live in?

  A: I live in a flat, which is located in the city center. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

  Tip: 简要描述住宿的地方:

  1)third ring road,“三环”。

  2)I live on the 13th floor. 注意不要少介词“on”。

  3)stair,“楼梯”;storey(s),“楼层”,指数量,如:There are 14 storeys in our flat。4)就近原则:there is a small park, three trees and some little shops near my flat./there are three trees, some little shops and a small park near my flat.

  2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of your accommodation?

  A: It’s really convenient for me to go shopping, but the surroundings are not perfect. Besides, I have to endure the noise in the street.

  Tip: the air is stuffy/fresh,“空气污浊/新鲜”;down stairs,“楼下”,there is a park down stairs;community,“社区”。


  1.Do you like watching TV?

  2.Do you think there should be a TV in the dorm?

  3.How useful is TV?

  4.What programs do you like to watch?

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