必须详细 新概念英语第二册课堂笔记 Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞

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other:(a.)+n. 其它的 (+/复数名词)

others=>other + 名词复数(不用再加名词)

Some boys are playing football.and others are rowing/(going boating).

One is watering the flowers,and the other is reading.

 Can you show me another?


Special Difficulties】 难点

in this way:这样,以这种方式

in a friendly way

in a way : 从某种意义上来说: In a way,you are kind.

in the way:挡路: Sorry,you are in the way.(在口语中很少用, 一般用Excuse me)

out of the way:让路 : Get out of the way!.你给我滚出去!

by the way:随便说一声, 随便问一下(开头——转移话题, 随意)

on the way(to):在去...的途中(陈述句) : on the way to school/the office,on the way home.

: in the family way:怀孕了, 快有小孩了(have a baby)

The woman is in the family way.



1  ______ from Athens to London, the plane stopped at Rome.

2  I cooked this ______ you showed me.

3  ______ , where is my coat?

4  Yes, ______ he has been very successful.

5  Children get ______ during the holidays.


(1) ...On the way...

Athens:雅典   London:伦敦

(2)...in the way


I do...in the way you showed me.

I fly the kite in the way you showed me.

(3)...By the way...

(4)...in a way...



get one's own way:随心所欲 (at ones pleasure)


关于系动词 : 一般来说, be become 一定不单独使用, 往往要在后面加上表语, 我们称它为系动词.

但另外还有一些系动词同时又是不及物的实义动词, 常见的有 : seem look appear sound taste feel smell stay remain keep grow trun go run get prove stande, 这些词有的语法书上称为半联系动词.


A little 修饰不可数名词; a few 修饰可数名词


soon:不久以后, 强调的是时间上的快

He will soon visit Darwin.He will visit Darwin__,

(a)quickly   (b)for a short time    (c) shortly   (d)in a hurry

He went quickly .quickly指的是动作上的快

for a short time:不久, 表示动作延续一段时间

soon:不久以后, 表示在这段时间之后


in a hurry:匆忙的指的是动作


Multiple choice questions】多项选择题

4  Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. ______ he has just bought twelve pigeons.

a.That's so b.That's why c.Because d.For

so表示前面是原因, 后面是结果

That's why :那就是为什么, 前者是原因

That's why+从句 : 那就是......原因, 前者是原因, 后者why后面是结果

I was caught in the traffic jam.That's why I was late.

be动词后面是表语, 后面的从句是表语从句

That's后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问词引导, 再加一个句子

That's when we can start class.

That's where we will have a meeting.

That's how I get to school.


8  Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His ______ garage is in Pinhurst.

a.another b.other c.else d.different

(8)......one...the other...





my mother's是名词所有格

在语法上, 以上三个词是不能同时并存的, 一般要用只能用其中一个

a bag/my bag

his,形容词物主代词, another=an+other


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