As much as possible, we should speak the words in layman’s term. Sometimes in an effort to impress the examiner, the student speaks high-sounding words that the examiners are not able to relate to. This tends to make the examiner feel that they are not smart enough to be able to understand what the “smart” speaker is talking about. I have observed that books and novels that are best sellers are those that people from all walks of life can relate to。 我们尽量不要使用专业术语。有时候考生竭尽全力口若悬河地向考官解释那些考官完全不明白的东西。考官会觉得自己像个白痴,没法理解这自作聪明的考生在叨叨些什么。书上不是说过吗?最好的的推销员能跟来自社会各阶层的人打交道。 Step 6: RELATE YOUR OPINIONS 第六步:叙述你的观点 If students want to speak with logic, they have to speak of facts. But they are also free to give their opinions about the whole thing. They can give illustrations to prove their point, or they can just simply state their reasons for having the said opinion. They can even look at history and get their basis there. They can also consider the opinions of the majority of their classmates. They can gather some statistics, data or consensus to back up and support their opinions. In some cases, there are really no right or wrong answers, they are just a matter of differences of opinion. Thus, it can give student extra scores in TOEFL IBT speaking test。 同学们想要表达得有逻辑性,就要注意实话实说。当然了,考生有表达观点的自由。考生们可以摆事实证明自己的观点,也可以简单地陈述理由。考生甚至可以以史为鉴,可以认可班上大多数同学的观点,也可以用数据支持自己的观点。有些情况下,答案没有对错之分,只是观点相异而已。所以,同学们可以在托福口语考试中得到意想不到的额外分数。 Step 7: LEARN TO RELAX ... YOU ARE READY FOR THE TEST 第七步:学会放松,你已经准备好了 You have prepared for this exam so there is no need to be worried. You know the material and you know what the examiners would like to hear. Now just go out and deliver a polished, rehearsed answer confidently. You have to believe that you can do it to be able to have an excellent mark。 |