导语及核心内容:考托福IBT口语的时候,同学们不可遗漏的最重要的一点就是逻辑性。我们要通过这个口语中的基本原则来给考生打分。 考生们常犯的错误就是口无遮拦,毫不思考。急急忙忙就随口回答,丝毫都不对问题和答案稍加考虑。有说话富有逻辑性权威性的考生远远比说的多的考生受欢迎。好答案的标准不是长度,而是有条理。答案很长很多时候是因为有太多冗余的词句。废话太多会降低分数哦。言多也有可能有失哦。所以赶紧学习怎么让你的口语富有逻辑吧。 Step1: STUDENTS SHOULD UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION FIRST 第一步:考生要先了解问题是什么 One crucial point to be able to speak logically in the test is by making sure that one truly understands the question or the problem that needs to be answered or solved. If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question, then the answer becomes totally illogical. Even if all the grammars, dictions and even the choice of words are carefully said, the whole thing becomes nonsense. As they say, human beings were created with two ears, two eyes and one mouth because God wants us to listen more, see and observe more and speak less. In the medical field, doctor should be able to find the sickness first before being able to prescribe the right medicine. To be able to give the best solution and answers, students must be able to know and understand what the problem or question is。 要让口语有逻辑很重要的一点是你要真正理解问题的含义,知道应该如何解决问题,处理问题。要是你的答案跟问题毫不相干,答案就等于完全没有逻辑性。即便语法啊,发音啊,措词啊都很好,但是整个答案毫无意义。人有两只耳朵,两只眼睛,一张嘴,所以你要多听,多看,少说。医生也是要先找出病症才能对症下药。同学们一定要先理解问题是什么。然后才能给出最好的答案和解决方案。 Step 2: LEARN TO ORGANIZE YOUR THINKING AND IDEAS 第二步:学会组织的你想法 I often hear students say “oops! I put my foot into my mouth again。” Students often speak words that they would regret later on once they are able to take the time to really think of the whole thing. Students often end up making the wrong decision or saying things that they would regret later on when they allow their emotion especially if it is negative to control them. To be able to speak logically requires a lot of brain power that is why it is logic. In the book of proverbs it says “as a man thinketh, so is he。” This simply means, students are what they think. During their idle times before the test, what students can do is think of questions, scenarios and situations of TOEL speaking test, then also think of the most logical answer that they can give. It is during this time that student’s brain is functioning more and not their emotion and adrenalin. They can process and practice everything properly without pressure. When the time comes that they come face to face with these questions, then they are prepared to answer confidently and logically because they were able to organize their thinking and plan ahead of time about the answer。 |