托福阅读辅导_TPO6 Powering the Industrial Revolution

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  2.Which of the following bestdescribes the relation of paragraph 2 to paragraph 1?

  ○Paragraph 2 shows howthe problem discussed in paragraph 1 arose.

  ○Paragraph 2 explainshow the problem presented in paragraph 1 came to be solved.

  ○Paragraph 2 provides amore technical discussion of the problem introduced in paragraph 1.

  ○Paragraph 2 shows whythe problem discussed in paragraph 1 was especially important to solve.

  3.The word exploitedin the passage is closest in meaning to




  ○fully understood

  4.The word vastlyin the passage is closet in meaning to





  5.According to paragraph 2,the atmospheric enginewas slow because

  ○it had been designed to be used incoal mines

  ○the cylinder had to cool betweeneach stroke

  ○it made use of expanding steam toraise the piston in its cylinder

  ○it could be operated only when alarge supply of fuel was available

  Paragraph 2: The source had longbeen known but not exploited.Early in the century, apump had come into use in which expanding steam raised a piston in a cylinder,and atmospheric pressure broughtit down again when the steam condensed inside the cylinder to form a vacuum.This “atmospheric engine,” invented by Thomas Savery andvastly improved by his partner.Thomas Newcomen,embodied revolutionary principles, but it was so slow and wasteful of fuel thatit could not be employed outside the coal mines for which it had been designed.In the 1760s, James Watt perfected a separatecondenser for the steam, so that the cylinderdid not have to be cooled at every stroke;then hedevised a way to make the piston turn a wheel and thus convert reciprocating (backand forth) motion into rotary motion.He thereby transformed an inefficientpump of limited use into a steam engine of a thousand uses.The final step camewhen steam was introduced into the cylinder to drive the piston backward as wellas forward thereby increasing the speed of the engine and cutting its fuelconsumption.

  6.According to paragraph 2, Watt'ssteam engine differed from earlier steam engines, in each of the followingways, except:

  ○ It used steam to move a pistonin a cylinder.

  ○ It worked with greater speed.

  ○ It was more efficient in its use of fuel.

  ○ It could be used in many different ways.

  Paragraph 3: Watt's steam enginesoon showed what it could do.It liberated industry from dependence on runningwater.The engine eliminated water in themines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining.The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s todevelop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in amillennium and a half.Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grewaccustomed to gaslit houses and even streets.Iron manufacturers whichhad starved for fuel while depending on charcoal also benefited fromever-increasing supplies of coal; blast furnaces with steam-powered bellowsturned out more iron and steel for the new machinery.Steambecame the motive force of the Industrial Revolution as coal and iron ore werethe raw materials.

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