
www.zige365.com 2009-8-27 7:56:04 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Unclassified Students Students who have not been accepted into a degree or certificate program but who have been admitted into Outreach College and may enroll in regular credit courses and graduate courses with the permission of the instructor.

  Undergraduate Students Students who have not earned a bachelor’s degree.

  Upper Division Courses Junior- and senior-level courses, numbered 300–499, which generally have prerequisites.

  Variable Credit Courses Courses in which the number of credits to be earned is determined in advance by the student and instructor.

  Withdrawal Grades Grades of W are given for courses from which the student has officially withdrawn with the approval of the instructor and the student’s college dean. Withdrawals are only approved until the end of the ninth week.

  Writing-Intensive Courses Courses that put emphasis on written work as part of the regular course of study and are officially designed as“WI”sections. WI sections are identified in each semester’s Schedule of Classes.

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