Credit Overload (Graduate) For classified graduate students, registration for more than 16 credits (9 credits for graduate assistants) in any one semester. Permission from the graduate dean is required.
Credit Overload (Undergraduate) Registration for more than 19 UH Manoa credit hours in any one semester for undergraduate and professional diploma students. Permission from the appropriate college/school dean is required. The request for credit overload is processed during late registration only.
Credits (or Semester Credit Hours) Earned after successful completion (pass) of a course. If students fail a course, they have only attempted (but not earned) the credits for the course. Three semester credits are approximately equivalent to three 50-minute meeting periods per week in a 15-week semester.
Cross-Listed Courses Courses whose contents are identical and are jointly offered by more than one department. Although the departments and course numbers are different—for example, AMST 354 and MUS 370—these courses are the same.
Curriculum All the courses of study offered by the University. May also refer to a particular course of study (major) and the courses in that area.
Discipline A branch of knowledge or teaching. Typically refers to an area of study or a major field.
Diversification Requirement (Undergraduate) Specified courses in the General Education Core intended to assure that every student has a broad exposure to different domains of academic knowledge, while at the same time allowing flexibility for students with different goals and interests.
Double Major Multiple majors falling under one degree will normally be approved for students who show promise of success in both, provided there is sufficient divergence between the majors. No one course may be used to satisfy more than one major requirement.
Drop Period Time at the beginning of each semester during which registered students may drop unwanted courses and not have them appear on their transcripts.
Early-Admits Academically superior and accomplished youths under 18 years of age who are continuing high school students admitted to the University to take specific courses for which they are qualified.
Electives Courses not designated as part of the General Education Core, college/school, or major requirements. Students should consult their major advisers and college advisers to discuss the selection of electives.
Emeriti Faculty Recognition, designation, and privileges given by the UH Board of Regents to faculty members who have retired but still retain ties to the University.
Excess Credit Policy (Undergraduate) Students who, by the end of any semester, have earned 24 credit hours beyond those required for graduation and have fulfilled all specific program and University requirements may graduate by action of their college or school.
Focus Requirements (Undergraduate) Specified courses in the UHM Graduation Requirements identifying important skills and discourses necessary for living and working in diverse communities. |