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Unit 7
Making arrangements
1. Listening
Listen to the three telephone calls. As you listen, complete the table below.
Listening Task
Call 1
A:Krondike Electronics. Can I help you?
B:Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. Edwards, please.
A:Who’s calling, please?
B:John Bird.
A:Just a moment, Mr. Bird; I’ll put you through.
C:Miss Taylor speaking.
B:john Bird here. Can I speak to Mr. Edwards?
C:I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
B:Yes, could you ask him to call me back as soon as possible?
C:Yes, of course. Could I have your number?
B:He’s got it, but just in case, it’s 071-253-4686.
C:071-253 4686. Thank you, Mr. Bird. I’ll make sure he gets the message.
B:Thank you. Bye.
Call 2
A:John Bird speaking.
B:This is Pete Edwards. My secretary said you called.
A:Yes, that’s right. Thanks for getting back. Look, the reason I called was we’re having installation problems with the E 258.
B:Really? That surprises me. What sort of problems?
A:Well, it’s a bit complicated. Could you send a technician round?
B:Of course, I’ll get one round this afternoon.
A:That would be great.
B:OK, I’m sure we’ll sort it out in no time. Bye.
Call 3
A:Pearson and Brown. Can I help you?
B:This is Gerald Smith from Taylor & Sons.
A:just a moment, Mr. Smith, I’ll put you through.
C:Susan Philips speaking.
B:Hello, Susan. This is Gerald Smith.
C:Oh hello, Gerald. How are you?
B:Fine. I’m just phoning to see if we could fix a meeting for next week.
C:Yes, of course. We’ve got to discuss next year’s order. Just a moment, I’ll get my diary... Right, next week...?
B:Could you manage Tuesday?
C:I’m sorry. I’m out all day on Tuesday.
B:What about Friday then?
C:Yes, Friday in the morning would suit me fine.
B:Good, that suits me too. Shall we say 10 o’clock?
C:Fine. So 10 o’clock here then?
B:Yes, that’s probably easiest. Right, I look forward to seeing you.
2. Presentation
The telephone conversations you heard in the dialogues included a number of steps, in particular.
# identifying yourself/your company
# asking the caller to identify himself/herself
# asking for a connection
# taking/leaving a message
# explaining the reason for the call
# making appointments
# signing off
Now look at the language used in these steps.
2.1 Identifying yourself/your company
Krondike Electronics. Can I help you?( a typical switchboard response)
John Bird speaking.
This is Pete Edwards.
John here.
2.2 Asking the caller to identify himself/herself
Who’s calling please?
2.3 Asking for a connection
I’d like to speak to _____________, please.
Could you put me through to _______________, please?
I’d like to speak to someone about deliveries, please.
2.4 Taking/leaving a message
I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Can you ask him to call me back?
2.5 Explaining the reason for the call
The reason I called is ____________________
I am (just) phoning to ____________________
2.6 Making appointments
Could you manage Tuesday?
What about Friday?
Shall we say two o’clock?
2.7 Signing off
I look forward to seeing you.
Thanks for calling.
3. Controlled practice
A. Put the following extracts of telephone calls into the correct order.
1. ( ) Just a moment, Mr. Jones, I’ll put you through.
   ( ) Yes, I’d like to speak to Miss Rathbone.
   ( ) Peter Jones.
   ( ) Who’s calling, please?
   ( ) Pan Electronics. Can I help you?
2. ( ) She’s got it, but just in case, it’s 071-253 4686.
    ( ) Yes, could you ask her to call me back?
    ( ) Mr. Gottman here. Could I speak to Mrs. Fileds?
    ( ) Yes, of course. Could I have your number?
    ( ) I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
3. ( ) I’m sorry, I’m out on Wednesday.
    ( ) Good, that suits me too. Shall we say 11 o’clock?
    ( ) Just a moment, I’ll get my diary...you said next week?

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