
www.zige365.com 2009-8-6 14:58:55 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

2.6 confirming information
Let me just repeat that,…

2.7 acknowledging
That’s right.

1. Saying and repeating telephone numbers:
Look at the number: 081-455 2354.
The number consists of three groups.
0 is pronounced ‘oh’ or zero;
455 is verbalized as four double five or four five five;
the numbers should be grouped, e.g. 081 pause 455 pause 2354.

2. Spelling names:
A useful way to remember the pronunciation of some letters is to group them by vowel sound:

3. Controlled practice
A. Complete these dialogues.
1.A: My name’s Pinkerton.
B: __________________?
A: Yes, it’s P, I, N, K, E, R, T, O, N.
2.A: The address is 24 Tunnyside Lane.
A: Yes, of course. 24 Tunnyside Lane.
3. A: My phone number is 0432 5686
B: 0432 5688?
A: ____________ 5686.
B: ____________ 0432 5686.
A: _____________________.
4. A: I’d like an appointment with Mr. Dunn.
B: _______________________________ you would like to discuss?
A: Yes, I’d like to talk about extending my credit.
A: We would like to visit your factory with a view to buying it.
B: ________________________. When would you like to come?
A: The figure is 3.56m.
B: ____________. And what was the other figure?
A: So, an appointment at two would suit you. ____________ again please?
B: Yes, certainly. It’s Macintosh.
A: ________________________?
B: Yes, M, A, C, I, N, T, O, S, H.

B. Listen to the tape. You will hear some telephone numbers. As you listen, write the number down. After each number, there will be a pause for you to repeat the number.
1. _______________ 2. ____________________ 3. __________________.
4. _______________ 5. ____________________ 6. __________________.

C. Listen to the tape. You will hear some names and then a request to spell them. There is a pause on the tape for you to spell them and then you will hear the correct spelling. The names are:
1. Peterson 2. Hardy 3. Glynis 4. Matthews
5. Rifkind 6. Thatcher 7. Samuel 8. Marjorie

Now listen to the tape again. This time, cover up the names above and write them down when you hear them spelt.
1. _______________ 2. ____________________ 3. __________________.
4. _______________ 5. ____________________ 6. __________________.
7. _______________ 8. ____________________

* priority 重点,优先
eg. priority projects重点项目
* make an appointment 安排一次约会
eg. I’d like to make an appointment to see your Corporate Finance Manager.
* approach 靠近,接洽,联系
eg. ABC Co. have been approached by many wholesalers for their new products.
* with a view to…为了……,目的是……[注意:to为介词,后面接名词或动名词]
eg. We have lowered the price with a view to getting more market share.
* place business with…与……建立业务关系
* catch 听懂
eg. I don’t quite catch your meaning.
* be interested in… 对……感兴趣
eg. We are interested in your new product rage. Please send us a catalogue.

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