
www.zige365.com 2009-8-6 14:58:55 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Unit 8 

Information handing
Checking and confirming
1. Listening
When telephoning, it is very important to get certain facts right, for example, the name, address, and telephone number. Listen to the following telephone call twice. The first time, listen to it from the point of view of the caller and complete his notes below. The second time, listen to it from the point of view of the person who answered and complete his notes.

First listening: Caller’s notes

Second listening: Called person’s notes

Listening Task
A: Priority Investments. Can I help you?
B: Yes, this is George Biederbeke. Could I speak to someone in your corporate finance department?
A: Just a moment, I’ll put you through.
C: Daniels speaking.
B: My name is George Biederbeke from the Austin Corporation. I’d like to make an appointment to see your corporate Finance Manager.
C: Yes. Could you tell me what exactly you want to talk about?
B: Well, we’re approaching a number of investment companies with a view to placing business with them.
C: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.
B: I said that we are interested in your investment services.
C: I see, and you would like to meet our Corporate Finance Manager?
B: That’s right.
C: When would be convenient for you?
B: Friday 28 June would suit me-in the afternoon.
C: Just a moment, I’ll check with Mr. Foster-our Corporate Finance Manager.
B: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch his name.
C: Foster.
B: Right.
C: Just a moment, let me check…Yes, that’ll be fine, about 2 p.m. Could I have your name again?
B: Biederbeke.
C: Could you spell that please?
B: B, I, E, D, E, R, B, E, K, E.
C: Right. I’ve got that. We’d like to send you a copy of our current prospectus. If you give me your address…
B: Of course. It’s the Austin Corporation, 514 Seaview…
C: 514 Seanew.
B: No, tit’s Sea-view.
C: Right, I’ve got that.
B: 2952 Seattle.
C: 2952 Seattle. Right, let me just repeat that. Mr. Bideerbeke, Austin Corporation, 514 Seaview, 2952 Seattle.
B: Right.
C: And your telephone number, Mr. Biederbeke?
B: It’s (0452) 67791
C: (0452) 67791. Right. We’ll get the prospectus in the post to you today.
B: Good. Let me just confirm the appointment. Friday 28 June at 2 o’clock.
C: Fine, we look forward to seeing you then.
B: Goodbye.
C: Goodbye.

2. Presentation
In the telephone conversation the speakers followed a number of steps when handling and exchanging information, in particular.
# clarifying information
# asking for repetition
# asking for spelling
# showing understanding
# correcting information
# confirming information
# acknowledging

Now look at the language used to handle information.
2.1 Clarifying information
Could you tell me exactly what…?

2.2 asking for repetition
Could I have your name again, please?
Could you repeat that?
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

2.3 asking for spelling
Could you spell that, please?

2.4 showing understanding
I see.
I’ve got that.

2.5 correcting information
No, not seanew. Seaviesw.
That’ not right, it’s…..

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